Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Biwar Sang Panakluk Naga

November 20, 2013
Biwar is a handsome and gallant of Mimika, Papua , Indonesia . When he was still in the womb , his father was killed by a dragon attacked while wading through a river in the area Tamanipia . Therefore , since birth he was treated and educated by his mother alone and comes with a variety of knowledge . As an adult , Biwar intends to destroy the dragon that has eliminated his father's life . How do Biwar destroy the vicious dragon ? Follow the story in Dragon Conqueror Biwar story below !


Once, in Mimika , Papua , there is a village inhabited by ethnic group of Mimika . Livelihoods are memangkur sago which have been inherited by generations of their ancestors . Every day , both men and women , memangkur sago along the river in that area .

One day , some of the villagers were about to find sago by boat . In addition to carrying a hatchet and pickaxe tool , they also carry supplies such as food and beverages such as sago memangkur activity will take approximately two to three days .

After a long sail the river , they arrived at a place that a lot of sago trees . Eagerly , the men began to cut down trees that can be taken sago starch sari . After the fall , they stripped it of sago tree to get to the heart of sago in it . Then their hearts from the tree until it resembles mashed coconut pulp using a pickaxe . Collisions result is what is called the sago . Furthermore , the sago they collect in a container bamboo that have been split , and interfere with water .

After that , the women immediately squeeze the sago . This juice containing sago starch . To get the quintessence , the juice they let some time to extract the starch settle to the bottom of the container bamboo . After the juice turns from white to clear , clear water that they pass to the left is the core sediment sago . The sago core then they shape like a tennis ball or elongated like a rice cake . Furthermore , sago - ready cooked sago is they put in a container called Tumang , the baskets are made of rattan .

After raising all Tumang containing sago into the boat , the group was sailing down the river to get back to the township . When the boat they were traveling through the river in the area Tamanapia , seeokar dragon suddenly emerges from the water and immediately attacked them . Only once kibas , dragon tail boat capable of destroying it to pieces . No doubt , all passengers thrown and drowned in the river , except for a woman who is pregnant can save themselves .

Incidentally pregnant women able to grab one of the pieces of the boat that was destroyed when he was thrown into the river . Pieces of boat that was later made ​​as a buoy until he can get to the river bank and fled into the woods . To shelter from wild animals , the pregnant woman living in a cave that he found in the forest . In the pregnant state , the poor woman was trying to find the young leaves and roots to survive .

One day , she painstakingly struggled birth alone . On the authority of God , she delivered a baby boy a handsome and gave the name Biwar . Now , she is no longer lonely stay in the middle of the forest . He was caring and raising Biwar lovingly . When Biwar grows into a teenager, he taught a variety of science as a way of archery , trapping , and make a fire . In addition , he also taught Biwar play drums until adept at playing the instrument .

Several years later , Biwar has grown into a handsome young man , strong , and brave . Every day she helps her mother find a side dish with fish in the river way . She also helped her mother make a simple house called honai , namely indigenous Papuans house made ​​of wood with a conical roof of straw or reeds .One day , Biwar just got back from fishing in the river with a few big fish . Arriving in front of his house , he put the fish catch was on the ground while screaming for his mother .

" Mama ... , Mama ... , get out look! Biwar carry a big fish , " shouted Biwar .Heard his cry , his mother was out of the house as she asked , "Where did you get the fish , my son ? "" That Biwar fishing in a river in . The river was a lot of fish and the surrounding scenery is very beautiful , "said Biwar , " If Mama wanted to see it , tomorrow Biwar will show that place . "The mother accepted the invitation Biwar . The next day , they went to the river in question . Biwar mother was surprised when it arrived at the river . He immediately reminded of her late husband .

" Biwar , my son ! Behold , your father and his family and friends were killed in the river Mama park was attacked by a dragon ! "Said the mother recalled her past a very sad heart .Hear the sad story of her mother , Biwar determined to destroy the dragon . However , the mother stopped him.

" But , Biwar ! The dragon is very fierce , " his mother prevented ." Not Mama . Is not Mama has taught a variety of science Biwar ? With that science would destroy the dragon Biwar of killing Papa , "said Biwar .

The mother is unable to stem Biwar hard determination . Before carrying out his determination , Biwar with her mother went home to prepare all the necessary weapons . After preparing spears , machetes and arrows , Biwar also said goodbye to his mother to go find the dragon nest along the river .

" Be careful , my son ! " His mom said ." Well , Mama , " said Biwar as he left his mother .Arriving at the edge of the river , Biwar saw a cave believed to be the dragon's hideout ." I'm sure the dragon was certainly hiding in the cave , " muttered Biwar .

With the steps slowly , Biwar approached the cave . Arriving at the mouth of the cave , he immediately took tucked in his waist drums and blew it in order to lure the dragon out of the cave . The music played drums Biwar really attract the dragon. Not long after , there came a roar from inside the cave .

Hear the voice, the more convinced Biwar that in that cave dragon nest . He was soon ready with a machete in his hand as a precaution in case the dragon came to attack him . Sure enough , not long ago , the head of the dragon suddenly appeared at the mouth of the cave . Without thinking , Biwar immediately threw his spear into the dragon 's head and managed to wound him . Although badly injured , it still looks ferocious dragon . So before the dragon attacked , immediately revoke Biwar machete tucked in his waist ."Take vengeance on the father and family that you've destroyed in the river ," cried Biwar while beheading the dragon to the breaking point .

No doubt , the dragon fell limp in front of the mouth of the cave . Looking at it , quickly Biwar hoarding dragon body with rocks . After ensuring that the dragon really dead , he immediately went home to tell his success to his mother destroy the dragon . How glad the heart of the mother to hear the good news ." Dragon has received his punishment . Mama heart is relieved now , "said his mother , " Immediately make my boat and then we go back to the ghetto ! "

The next day , Biwar also makes a pretty small boat carrying them both . Within a few days , the boat was completed and made ​​ready for use . Finally , with the boat , with his mother Biwar sail the river to the land of her birth . Arriving at the village , they were greeted with joy by the locals . To celebrate the success of Biwar as a hero who had conquered the dragon , they held a festive party .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

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