Cara Mengobati Orang yang Kesurupan

September 21, 2013 Add Comment
Cara mengobati orang yang kesurupan..
Rosulullah Shollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda :

إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَجْرِي مِنِ ابْنِ آدَمَ مَجْرَى الدَّمِ

“Sesungguhnya setan itu dapat berjalan pada tubuh anak cucu Adam melalui aliran darah.” (HR. Al-Bukhari, Kitab Al-Ahkam no.7171 dan Muslim, Kitab As-Salam no. 2175)

Fenomena kesurupan masih mengundang perdebatan hingga saat ini. Kalangan ...yang menolak, (lagi-lagi) masih menggunakan alasan klasik yakni “tidak bisa diterima akal”. Semoga, kajian berikut bisa membuka kesadaran kita bahwa syariat Islam sejatinya dibangun di atas dalil, bukan penilaian pribadi atau logika orang per orang.

Tapi kita sebagai orang islam harus percaya akan adanya alam ghaib.

Pengobatan terhadap orang yang kesurupan jin mempunyai dua bagian :

1. Pencegahan kesurupan

Di antara upaya pencegahan adalah dengan menjaga semua larangan, taubat dari segala macam kesalahan dan dosa, juga membentengi diri dengan beberapa dzikir, do’a dan ta’awwudz yang di syariatkan.

2. Pengobatan Kesurupan

Yaitu dengan cara seorang muslim –yang hatinya sejalan dengan lisan dan ruqyahnya- membacakan bacaan bagi orang yang kesurupan. Dan pengobatan dengan ruqyah yang paling ampuh adalah dengan surat Al-Fatihah, 1 ayat kursi, dua ayat teakhir surat Al-Baqarah, Qul Huwallahu ahad (surat Al-Ikhlas), Qul A’uudzubirabbil Falaq (surat Al-Falaq), dan Qul A’uudzubirabbin Naas (surat An-Naas), dengan memberi tiupan pada orang yang kesurupan dan mengulangi bacaan tersebut sebanyak tiga kali atau lebih, dan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an lainnya. (Lihat al-Fat-hur Rabbani, Tartiibu Musnad al-Imam Ahmad XVII/183). Sebab seluruh isi Al-Qur’an adalah penyembuh bagi apa yang ada di dalam hati, penyembuh, petunjuk, dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman.

Dalam pengobatan ini diperlukan adanya dau hal, yaitu :

Pertama, dari pihak orang yang kesurupan jin, yakni berkaitan dengan kekuatan dirinya, kejujuran tawajjuhnya (menghadap) kepada Allah عزوجل, ta’awwudz yang benar yang sejajar antara hati dan lidahnya.

Kedua, dari sisi orang yang beruapaya mengobatin, di mana dia pun harus demikian, karena senjata yang dipergunakan itu minimal harus seimbang dengan senjata lawan. [artikel as-suunah]

1. Lihat Sunnan Abi Dawud no. 3420, 3896, 3897, 3901, Ahmad V/210, dan lainnya dari Hharijah bin ash-shalt رضي الله عنه, lihat Silsilah al- Ahaadiits ash-Shahiihah (no. 2027)

2. Lihat al-Fat-hur Rabbani, Tartiibu Musnad al-Imam Ahmad XVII/183.

3. Lihat mengenai bacaan ruqyah yang panjang dan bermanfaat dalam kitab, Wiqaayatul Insan minal Jinni was-Syaithan (hal. 81-84), juga Ash-Shaarimul Battaar (hal. 190-117), karya Syaikh Wahid ‘Abdus Salam Baali. Lihat juga Zaadul Ma’ad IV/66-69, serta Iidhaahul Haqq fii Dukhuulil jinni bil Insi war Radd ‘alaa Man Ankara Dzaalik, karya al-‘Allamah ‘Abul Aziz bin ‘Abdullah bin Baaz( hal. 14). Dan Fataawa Ibni Taimiyah XIX/ 9-65 dan XXIV/276. Demikian juga al-Wiqaayah wal ‘Ilaaj minal Kitab was Sunnah, karya Muhammad bin Syay’i (hal. 66-69). Selain itu juga lihat juga cara mengusir jin dari rumah, dalam kitab al-Wiqaayah wal ‘Ilaaj, Muhammad bin Syaay’I (hal. 59). Dan juga ‘Aalamul jinni wasy Syayaathiin, karya al –Asyqar (hal. 130)


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atau ada yang mau berbagi pengalaman?
silakan dikomentar !

Cara mengatasi rasa kesepian

September 20, 2013 Add Comment
Cara mengatasi rasa kesepian
Cara mengatasi rasa kesepian
Hal yang paling menyebalkan di dalam hidup adalah masa dimana anda sedang sendiri padahal anda tidak ingin. Biasanya, keadaan ini akan menimbulkan rasa kesepian atau lonely yang berakibat munculnya rasa kacau, sedih dan terkuras energinya

Walaupun ada kalanya ada menginginkan waktu untuk sendiri sehingga anda dapat merasa damai dan menyenangkan diri sendiri, namun itu tidaklah lama karena pada dasarnya manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang tidak dapat hidup sendiri. Nah, bila saat ini anda merasa kesepian karena jauh dari keluarga, atau sedang menjalani long distance relationship dengan pasangan, ada beberapa cara yang dapat anda lakukan untuk mengatasi kesepian anda.

Menyibukkan diri

Salah satu cara yang paling mudah untuk mengurangi kesepian adalah dengan menyibukkan diri. Ada banyak kegiatan yang dapat anda lakukakn untuk killing time seperti membersihkan dan mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah anda, mengasuh anak atau keponakan yang masih kecil, memelihara binatang atau menekuni hobi yang anda suka seperti menjahit, melukis atau membaca buku.

Terlibat dengan komunitas
Ada baiknya anda bergabung dengan sebuah komunitas yang anda rasa cocok dengan hobi maupun aktivitas yang anda sukai. Misalkan anda suka memasak, bergabunglah dengan komunitas masak yang berisi ibu-ibu atau orang-orang yang suka memasak sehingga akan melakukan demo masak bersama-sama atau lomba memasak. Hal ini akan membantu anda melupakan rasa kesepian yang anda rasakan.

Bekerja lebih keras sehingga mudah tidur
Salah satu indicator yang paling umum dari rasa kesepian adalah gangguan dalam tidur. Anda akan membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk tidur karena biasanya anda akan berulang kali terbangun dan merasa mengantuk sepanjang hari. Masalahnya, kurang tidur dengan masalah apapun dapat menurunkan daya tahan tubuh anda sehingga anda akan lebih mudah terserang penyakit.

Kenali apa yang hilang dari hidup anda
Menurut pengalaman beberapa orang, ada kalanya membuat banyak rencana dan menyibukkan diri dengan teman-teman ternyata tidak mengurangi rasa kesepian mereka, karena yang mereka inginkan adalah kehadiran seseorang yang akan menemani aktivitasnya selama di rumah. Nah, bila anda sudah mengetahui apa yang sebenernya anda inginkan untuk menghilangkan kesepian anda, akan lebih mudah pula bagi anda untuk menemukan solusi yang akan membantu anda mengatasi rasa kesepian anda.

Buat komitmen untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lainEmosi yang negative seperti kesepian, iri hati dan rasa bersalah akan memainkan peran penting dalam mendapatkan kehidupan yang bahagia. Emosi-emosi tersebut merupakan tanda penting bahwa sesuatu harus segera diubah. Nah, jika anda sudah menyari bahwa kesepian yang anda rasakan membuat anda menjadi lebih suka menghakimi orang lain dan berfikiran negative tentang mereka, ada baiknya anda mulai menginstrospeksi diri anda sendiri dan memperbaikinya.
sekian artikel ini saya buat 17.20 Wib , semoga Bermanfaat :)

Tips Ampuh Mencegah penyakit kanker

September 19, 2013 Add Comment
Tips Ampuh Mencegah penyakit kanker.
ilham blog.Kanker merupakan suatu penyakit yang di sebabkan sel-sel abnormal yang membelah tidak terkontrol dan dapat membahayakan atau menyerang jaringan tubuh yang sehat. Tahukah anda, sel-sel kanker mampu menyebar ke bagian lain dari tubuh kita melalui sistem limfe dan jaringan darah. Menurut data yang berhasil di himpun, ada sekitar 1000 jenis kanker yang sudah terdeteksi menyerang tubuh manusia. Sebenarnya ada berbagai tips yang dapat menangkal kanker. Lalu apa saja tips mencegah penyakit kanker secara mudah...???

Kanker menjadi salah satu pembunuh terbesar yang mampu mengancam kehidupan semua manusia. Untuk itulah, pentingnya pengetahuan tentang tips untuk mencegah kanker yang benar. Karena penyakit ini dapat menyerang tubuh tanpa pernah anda sadari serta gejala awal penyakit tersebut tidak mudah terdeteksi. Berikut ini tips ampuh mencegah penyakit kanker :

1 Makanlah bawang putih. Bawang putih merupakan salah satu jenis rempah-rempahan yang sangat efektif untuk mencegah penyakit kanker. Karena fungsi bawang putih untuk tubuh yaitu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan menangkal serangan kanker yang bisa membahayakan tubuh anda.
2 Jauhi aneka makanan yang di hidangkan dengan cara di panggang. Ini dikarenakan, aneka makanan yang dipanggang akan menghasilkan berbagai bahan kimia yang jika anda konsumsi setiap hari dapat menyebabkan penyakit kanker.
3 Cukupi kebutuhan cairan yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Anda bisa memulainya dengan minum 8 gelas air putih perharinya. Ini merupakan langkah efektif untuk menangkal penyakit kanker pula.
4 Mulailah dengan secangkir teh. Ini dikarenakan, dengan rutin minum teh dapat meminimalisir seseorang terkena penyakit kanker. Teh yang di anjurkan yaitu teh hijau.
5 Aneka jenis makanan laut juga sangat efektif untuk menjaga tubuh dari serangan aneka jenis kanker. Aneka jenis ikan yang dimaksud yaitu salmon, sarden, tuna, udang serta kerang. Jadi, lengkapi menu makanan harian anda dengan menu ikan laut.
6 Penuhi vitamin D. Ini dikarenakan, vitamin D memiliki fungsi menangkal penyakit kanker yang bisa membahayakan tubuh dan jaringan tubuh anda. Usahakan untuk memaparkan tubuh selama 15 menit di bawah sinar matahari, khususnya sinar matahari di pagi hari.
7 Hindari seks bebas. Dalam hal ini, tidak berganti-ganti pasangan dan selalu setia pada pasangan anda. Karena seks bebas berpotensi besar terserang penyakit kanker, khususnya kanker serviks.
8 Mulailah dengan mengkonsumsi aneka makanan yang di tanam secara organik. Dalam hal ini, berbagai bahan makanan yang ditanam tanpa penggunaan bahan kimia seperti pestisida dan bahan kimia lainnya.

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Legenda Roro Jonggrang

September 14, 2013 Add Comment
Once, long ago there was a great kingdom named Prambanan . Tenteran and its people live peacefully . But , what happens then ? Prambanan kingdom was attacked and occupied by foreign Pengging . Prambanan kingdom tranquility be disturbed . The soldiers are not able to deal with attacks Pengging troops . Finally , Prambanan kingdom ruled by Pengging , and led by Bondowoso .

Bondowoso a bossy cruelly . " Anyone who does not do what I say , will be severely punished " , said Bondowoso on people. Bondowoso is a powerful force and have the genie . Not long in power , Bondowoso love watching the movements of Loro Jonggrang , daughter of the King of his beautiful Prambanan . " Beautiful nian 's daughter . Permaisuriku I want him to be , " thought Bondowoso .

The next day , close to Loro Jonggrang Bondowoso . "You're so beautiful , will you be Permaisuriku ? " , Tanya Bondowoso to Loro Jonggrang . Loro Jonggrang flinched , hearing Bondowoso question . " This man once presumptuous , not to know me immediately wanted me to be his queen ," said Loro Jongrang in the liver . " What should I do ? " . Loro Jonggrang into confusion . Her mind was spinning . If he refuses , then it will Bondowoso furious and endanger his family and the people of Prambanan . To say yes would be impossible , because the Loro Jonggrang did not like Bondowoso .

" How , Loro Jonggrang ? " Bondowoso insisted . Loro Jonggrang finally get the idea . " I'm willing to be your wife , but there are conditions , " he said . " What are the conditions ? Want treasures galore ? Or a magnificent palace ? " . " No, my lord , said Loro Jonggrang . I asked for the temple , the amount should be a thousand pieces . " Thousand pieces ? "Cried Bondowoso . " Yes , and the temple was to be completed in a single night . " Loro Jonggrang Bondowoso stare , his lips trembled hold anger . Bondowoso Since that time thinking about how to make 1000 temples . Finally he asked his advisors . " I believe my master bias makes the temple with the help of Jin ! " , said counsel . "Yes , that's right you suggest , prepare the equipment I needed ! "Once the equipment at the ready . Bondowoso standing in front of the altar stone . Stretched his arms out wide . " Troops jin , Please help me ! " he shouted in a booming voice . Shortly thereafter , the sky became dark . The wind howled . A moment later , the troops had gathered Bondowoso jin . " What should we do sir ? " , Said the leader of the jinn . " Help me build a thousand temples , " pleaded Bondowoso . The genie immediately move to and fro , carrying out their respective duties . In a short time the temple was composed almost reached a thousand pieces .

Meanwhile , Loro Jonggrang quietly observe from a distance . He was anxious , knowing Bondowoso genie aided by troops . " Well , what about this ? " Said Loro Jonggrang in the liver . He was looking for a reason . The royal ladies got together and sent them assigned to collect straw . " Quickly burn all the hay ! " Loro Jonggrang command . Most other ladies sent them to pound the mortar . Dung ... dung ... dung ! Radiating red tinge to the sky with the sound of the hustle and bustle , so much like the breaking dawn .

Jin forces thought dawn was breaking. " Well , the sun will rise ! " exclaimed the genie . " We should get going before the sun burned our bodies , " said another genie . The genie is scattered left the place . Bondowoso was surprised to see the panic jin forces .

The next , Loro Jonggrang Bondowoso invite to the temple . " The temple which you requested has been standing ! " . Loro Jonggrang immediately calculate the number of the temple . It turned out there were only 999 pieces ! . " The amount is less than one ! " Loro Jonggrang exciting . "That host has failed to meet the requirements that I asked " . Bondowoso surprised to learn that deficiency . He became very angry . " No way ... " , said Bondowoso glowering at Loro Jonggrang . "Then you are complete ! " he said while pointing his finger at Loro Jonggrang . Magic ! Loro Jonggrang instantly turned into a stone statue . Until now these temples are still there , and is located in Prambanan area , Central Java and called Loro Jonggrang .

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Lutung Kasarung

September 14, 2013 Add Comment
Prabu Tapa Agung pointed Purbasari , youngest daughter as a replacement . " I'm getting too old , time for me to step down , " said Prabu Tapa .

Purbasari has an older brother named Purbararang . He appointed his brother disagreed replace their father . " I Eldest daughter , father should choose me as his successor , " grumbled Purbararang her fiance called Indrajaya . Kegeramannya who already have intentions to harm him culminated sister . He met a witch to spell Purbasari . Purbasari witch 's spell that right then Purbasari skin suddenly became black Popcorn . Purbararang so had no reason to evict his brother . " People who cursed as he does not deserve to be a queen ! " Purbararang said .

Then he sent a regent for Purbasari exile to the forest . Arriving in the duke forest still kind enough to make a hut for Purbasari . He also advised Purbasari , " Be brave lady. Ordeal will surely end , the Almighty will surely be with Princess " . " Thank you uncle ," said Purbasari .

While in the forest he had many friends that animals were always good to him . Among these animals there is a mysterious black hairy ape . But ape the most attention to Purbasari . Purbasari monkey Kasarung always encouraging to get beautiful flowers and fruits with his friends .

At the time of the full moon night , monkey Kasarung acting strange . He walked to a quiet place and meditate . He was begged something to the Gods . This proves that the monkey Kasarung not unusual creatures . Not long afterwards , the land near the monkey broke and created a small lake , the water is crystal clear . The water contains a drug that is very fragrant .The next day Kasarung monkey see Purbasari and asked him to bathe in the lake . " What's in it for me ? " , Thought Purbasari . But he was willing to oblige . Shortly after he threw himself . Something happened to her skin . His skin became clean as before and he became beautiful again . Purbasari very surprised and excited when he ditelaga the mirror .

In the palace , Purbararang decided to see his sister in the woods . He went with his fiancee and the guards . When they reached the forest , he finally met his brother and looked at each other . Purbararang could not believe her sister back to normal . Purbararang do not want to lose face , he took a long shootout Purbasari hair . " Who is the longest hair he has won ! " , Said Purbararang . Purbasari initially did not want to , but because he continues to serve his brother urged . Purbasari hair turns out to be longer.

" Well I lost , but now let's shoot our handsome fiance , 's fiance ' , said he approached the Indrajaya Purbararang . Purbasari became restless and confused . Finally she looked , and pulled his hand Kasarung monkey . Kasarung monkey jumping up and down as if to calm Purbasari . Purbararang laugh , " So the monkey 's fiance? " .

At that moment meditating monkey Kasarung soon . Suddenly there was a miracle . Kasarung monkey turn into a handsome young man looking extremely dashing , more than Indrajaya . All surprised to see it as he cheered . Purbararang finally admitted defeat and guilt over this . He apologized to his brother and begged not to be punished . Purbasari kindly forgive them . After the incident they all eventually returned to the palace .

Purbasari be a queen , accompanied by a young man of her dreams . The young man who apparently has always been with him in the woods in the shape of a monkey .

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Si Pitung

September 14, 2013 Add Comment
Pitung is a pious young man from Rawa Belong . He diligently studied the Koran in Haji Naipin . Finished learning the Koran he was trained in martial arts . After years of religious knowledge and the ability to master the martial increased.

At that time the Dutch were colonized Indonesia . Pitung pitied the plight experienced by young people . Meanwhile , kumpeni ( the name for the Netherlands ) , a group of employer and the landlord lives wallowing in luxury . Homes and their fields guarded by thugs who ferociously .

With the assistance of his friends of the Rais and Jii , Pitung began planning the robbery of the employer and the wealthy landlords . Rampokannya results were distributed to the poor . In front of a starving family home laid Sepikul rice . Families who wrapped it provides compensation payable moneylenders . And orphaned children parcel dikiriminya clothes and other gifts .

Pitung success and his friends because of two things . First , it has a high martial arts and dikhabarkan they are immune to bullets . Second , people do not want to tell where Pitung is now . However, the robbery victim Pitung rich with kumpeni always trying to persuade people to open my mouth .

Kumpeni also use violence to force people to testify . One day , kumpeni and wealthy landlords managed to get information about family Pitung . So they seized both her ​​parents and the Hajj Naipin . With a heavy ordeal finally they get the information about where and confidential Pitung are immune .

Armed with all that information , police were ambushed Pitung kumpeni . Of course Pitung and his friends fight . But unfortunately , information about the immune secret Pitung already open . He was pelted with rotten eggs and shot . Thus he was killed seketika.Meskipun to Jakarta , Pitung still regarded as a defender of the common people.

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Manik Angkeran

September 14, 2013 Add Comment
In earlier times in Daha kingdom there lived a Brahmin who benama very famous Sidi Mantra miracle . Trance Guru rewarded Widya or property and a beautiful wife . After many years of marriage , they had a son who they named Manik Angkeran .

Although Manik Angkeran a handsome and intelligent young man but he had a poor trait , which is like gambling . He often risked losing so he had his parents' property , even in debt to someone else . Because it can not pay debts , Manik Angkeran father asked for help to do something . Sidi Mantra fasted and prayed to the gods for help . Suddenly he heard a voice , "Hi , Sidi Mantra , in the crater of Mount Agung there are guarded treasure dragon dragon name Besukih . Go there and ask that he wants give little treasure . "

Sidi Mantra go to Mount Agung to overcome all obstacles . Arriving at the edge of the crater of Mount Agung , he sat cross-legged . He rang the bell while reciting mantras and call on the name Dragon Besukih . Not long then utilized the dragon out . After hearing intentions Sidi Mantra , Dragon Besukih squirm and scales out of gold and diamonds . After saying thank you , Sidi Mantra excused himself . All property that gets given to Manik Angkeran the hope he will not gamble anymore . Of course not long after , the treasure was gone for a bet . Manik Angkeran once again enlist the help of his father . Sidi Mantra of course refused to help his child .

Manik Angkeran heard from a friend that the property was obtained from Mount Agung . Manik Angkeran know to get there he had to cast a spell , but he never learned about prayer and mantra . So , he just took the bell that was stolen from his father when his father sleep .

After arriving at the crater of Mount Agung , Manik Angkeran gentanya ring . He is not playing scared when he saw the Dragon Besukih . After hearing intentions Manik Dragon Angkeran , he said , " I will give you treasures that you ask , but you have to promise to change your behavior . Do not gamble anymore . Remember the law of karma . "

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Legenda Danau Si Lancang

September 10, 2013 Add Comment
Once tersebutlah a story,
Kampar area in ancient times the Lancang live with his mother . They live with the very poor .they both
worked as a laborer.

To improve his life , then The Lancang intend wander . One day he asked permission of the mother and the teacher ngajinya . His mother was advised that in the future shoreline Si Lancang always remember the mother and her hometown . His mother advised that The Lancang not be disobedient child.
The Lancang is also a promise to his mother . The moment her mother was moved to his knees to worship Lancang ask blessings . His mother provided him a pack of lumping dodak , cake craze Si Lancang.
After years of wandering , apparently The Lancang very lucky . He became a wealthy merchant . He has dozens of merchant ships . Dikhabarkan he had seven wives . They all come from a wealthy merchant family . While his mother , still living in Kampar in a very poor state.

One day , The Lancang sailed to Andalas . The voyage he brought his wife to seven . Together they brought too fancy supplies and tools in the form of musical entertainment . When docked in Kampar , the musical instruments sounded boisterous . Meanwhile silk fabrics and a variety of gold and silver ornaments held . Everything was prepared to give the impression of luxury and wealth Lancang Si .
The news of the arrival of Lancang heard by his mother . With compassion , he rushed to greet the arrival of the only child . Because of poverty , he only wore an old shawl , sarong kebaya worn and patched . With the courage she rose to her luxury decks Si Lancang.

So said that he was his mother Si Lancang , no sailor ever believe . With a ballpark he drove the old lady . But she did not want to leave . He insisted to be reunited with his son Si Lancang . The situation caused a commotion.

Heard a noise on deck , Si Lancang accompanied by his wife came to the place seventh . How shocked he was when the woman saw that tattered that it was his mother expelled . Lancang 's mother said, " How dare you ... my son ? Oh ... what a longing heart to you Ma . Hearing the greeting , the Lancang congkaknya dismissed . Son even this ungodly scream , " Where could I have a mother like you poor woman . Sailor ! expel this crazy woman . "

This poor mother finally came home with a feeling devastated . Arriving at the house , and then he took his inheritance . Heirloom in the form of a mortar and a pestle rice nyiru . As he prayed , the mortar and screened - swivel - kibaskannya dikibas nyiru inheritance . He also said , " My Lord ... punish the child of sin . "

In an instant , a hurricane came down . The storm blows so fierce that in the blink of destroying merchant ships belonging Si Lancang . Not just ship it shattered , his property also flew everywhere . Silk fabric hovering and falling into foreign Fold fabric located in Kampar Kiri . Gong and thrown into a river Kampar Kanan Oguong . Tembikarnya drifted into Pasubilah . The mast of the ship while the Lancang thrown up to get in a lake called Lake Si Lancang .

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Cindelaras

September 08, 2013 Add Comment
Raden Putra was the king of the Kingdom Jenggala . He was accompanied by a consort of a kind and his beautiful concubine . However , the concubine of King Raden Putra has properties envy and jealousy against the empress . He devised a bad to the empress . " Supposedly , I became empress . I had to find a way to get rid of the empress , " he thought .
Concubine of the king , conspired with a royal physician . He pretends to be ill . Royal physician immediately summoned . The doctors said that there was someone who had put poison in the drink princess . " That man is none other than his own consort Majesty , " said the physician . Majesty was angry to hear the explanation royal physician . He immediately ordered his assistance to get rid of the empress to the forest .
The governor immediately bring the pregnant queen into the wilderness . But , a wise governor would not kill him . Apparently the governor already know the king's concubine malice . " The princess does not have to worry , I will report to the king that the princess was killed servant , " said the governor . To trick the king , the duke smeared his sword with rabbit blood were captured . Bear king satisfied when the governor reported that he had killed the empress .
After a few months of being in the woods , the child was born empress . The infant was given the name Cindelaras . Cindelaras grow into a child who is smart and handsome . Since childhood he had been friends with the animal inhabitants of the forest . One day , when it was playing , an eagle dropped an egg . " Hmm , good eagle once . Eggs he accidentally gave it to me . " After 3 weeks , the eggs hatch . Cindelaras diligently maintains chicks . The chicks grow into a cock nice and strong . But there is one oddity . The sound of a rooster crowing it's absolutely stunning ! " ... My lord Kukuruyuk Cindelaras , his house in the middle of the jungle , coconut leaf roof , her father Raden Putra ... "
Cindelaras was amazed to hear the crowing chickens and immediately showed his mother . Then , the mother Cindelaras recount the origins of why they were in the woods . Hearing the mother's story , Cindelaras determined to go to court and expose evil king's concubine . After his mother 's permission , Cindelaras go to the palace accompanied by a rooster . When in the course of a few people who are risking chicken . Cindelaras then called by the penyabung chicken . " Come , if you dare , adulah jantanmu chicken with my chicken , " she challenged . " All right , " replied Cindelaras . When pitted , apparently Cindelaras rooster fight gallantly and in a short time , he can beat his opponent . After a few times pitted , chicken Cindelaras not invincible . Chicken is really tough .
News about the greatness of chicken Cindelaras spread quickly . Raden Putra was to hear the news . Then , Raden Putra asked to invite Cindelaras hulubalangnya . " Servant facing your majesty , " said Cindelaras politely . " The boy is handsome and smart , like he was not a descendant of the common people , " thought the king . Cindelaras chicken with chicken Raden Putra pitted on one condition , if chicken Cindelaras then he was willing to lose his head chopped off , but if you win then half chicken Raden Putra wealth belongs Cindelaras .
Two chickens that fought valiantly . But in a short time , succeeded in conquering chicken chicken Cindelaras King. The audience cheered and cheered Cindelaras chicken . " Okay I admit defeat . I will keep my promise . But , who are you , young man ? " Tanya King Raden Putra . Cindelaras immediately bent like whispering something in his chicken . Not how long the chicken immediately rang . " ... My lord Kukuruyuk Cindelaras , his house in the middle of the jungle , coconut leaf roof , her father Raden Putra ... , " the rooster crowed repeatedly. Raden Putra was surprised to hear a rooster crow Cindelaras . " Is that true ? " Asked the king astonishment . "Yes sire , name Cindelaras servant , slave mother was king consort . "
At the same time , the governor immediately facing and telling all the events that have actually happened to the empress . " I 've made ​​a mistake , " said King Raden Putra . " I will give appropriate punishment to my mistress , " continued the king 's wrath . Then , concubine Raden Putra was to dispose of the woods . Raden Putra immediately hugged her and apologized for his mistake After that , Raden Putra and district chief consort to immediately pick up the forest .. Finally Raden Putra , empress and Cindelaras can regroup . After Raden Putra died , Cindelaras replaced the father . He ruled the country justly and wisely.

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Kelelawar Yang Pengecut

September 08, 2013 Add Comment
In a meadow in Africa , a lion was eating food . Suddenly a hawk flying low and grabbing food lion belongs . " Brash " said the lion . Jungle king was very angry that ordered all the animals to come together and declared war against the birds .
" From now on any kind of bird is our enemy " , get rid of them all , do not be spared , "said the Lion . Other animals agreed because they felt had treated the same by the bird nation . When the night starts to fall , the nation's bird returned to the nest .
The opportunity was used by the Lions and his men to attack . The birds fled in disorder . Fortunately, there is still an owl can see clearly at night so that they could all escape from a lion attack and his men .
Seeing the nation lost birds , the bats feel anxious , so she hurried to see the king of the jungle . Bats said , "Actually, I'm including the rat race , even though I had wings . So allow me to join your group, I would risk my life to fight against the birds " . Without thinking lion was approved bats go in the group .
The next night a group led by a lion attacking the birds back and managed to throw him out . The next day , early in the morning , when a group of lions is resting behind a group of birds attacking them with a group of lions pelted with stones and nuts . " Beware of hail, " shouted the group of animals with a lion escaped . The bat felt anxious about these things so that he minded to re- join the group of birds . He met the king of birds eagle bird . " Look at my wings , this bird I like you " . Eagle bat gladly accept .
The battle continues , the monkeys riding an elephant or rhino holding a bow and arrow . Their heads are covered with a hat from coconut shell that does not work stoned . After winning the lion group , what do bats ? . He was back and forth to side with the winning team . Cowardice and not opinionated owned bat gradually known by both groups lion and bird groups .
They realized that there was no point in mutual hostility . And they are friends again and decided to evict bats from their environment . Bat felt so ashamed that he hid in dark caves . He just appeared when night came by way of stealth.

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Kera Jadi Raja

September 08, 2013 Add Comment
The Forest King " Lion " was shot hunter , jungle dwellers so restless . They do not have a king anymore . Not how the inhabitants of the jungle gathered to elect a new king . Was first nominated Leopard , but Leopard refused . " No, I 've seen people running helter-skelter , " he said . "Then Rhino course , you're very strong , " said the other animals . "No - no , not see well , I had hit a tree many times . " " Oh ... maybe Elephants are so King , you're a great body .. " , said the other animals . " I can not fight and my movement is very slow , " said the elephant .

The animals become confused , they have not found a replacement king . When about to disperse , ape suddenly shouted , " Man who became king , he was not you who killed the Lion " . " No way , " replied the squirrel . " Try me ... you all noticed , I like men instead ? , Then I'm the one that fits into a king , " said the monkey . After going through negotiations , forest-dwelling apes agreed to be the new king . Once appointed king , monkey behavior is not at all like the King . It works just laze around while eating delicious food - delicious .

Occupants animals become upset , especially wolves . Wolf thought , " how could the Ape man identifies himself with yes ? , His body just the same , but his brain is not " . Wolf got the idea . One day , he went ape . " My lord , I found the food very lezar , I sure would love my lord . Lord I will deliver to the place, " said the wolf . Without thinking , apes , the new king went with wolves . In the middle of the woods , sitting monkeys favorite fruits . Greedy ape directly attacking the fruit . Apparently, the Ape directly collapsing into the ground . Disergapnya food turns man-made trap . "Please ... please , " cried the ape , as he struggled to get out of the trap .

" Hahahaha ! Had never imagined , a king can act stupid , caught in traps set humans , like apes king which can protect its people , " said the wolf and other animals . Not long after the animals left the ape , a hunter came to that place . Seeing no monkey in it , he took his catch to the house .
Moral message : Treat our friends well , do not be arrogant and lazy . If we are arrogant and treat friends badly, eventually we will lose them .

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : La Dana dan Kerbaunya

September 08, 2013 Add Comment
La Dana is a farm boy from Toraja. He is most famous for his ingenuity. Sometimes ingenuity that he used to deceive people. So that it becomes cunning ingenuity.

One day he and his friends are invited to attend the party of death. It is the custom in the land of Toraja that every guest will get buffalo meat. He was given a Dana rear foot portion of the buffalo. While his friend received nearly all parts of the buffalo that except for the hind legs.
Then La Fund proposes to her to combine the meat part of it and exchange it for a buffalo live. The reason is they can maintain it until the fat of animals before slaughter. They were lucky because the proposal is accepted by the host.

A week after the La Dana getting impatient waiting for that buffalo fat. One day he went to a friend's home, where the buffalo were, and said, "Let's cut this animal, I've wanted to eat meat." His friend replied, "Wait until the animal was a little plump." Then La Dana suggested, "Let's just cut my part, and you can keep the animal further." His friends think, if the buffalo hind legs cut off then he will die. Then his friend persuaded him to La Dana attack. He promised to give La Fund forefoot of the buffalo.
A week after the La Funds come again and again requested that the cut parts. Once again to persuade his friend. He promised that the body of water buffalo origin La funds would delay the point. Just a few days later La Dana had her back home. He again requested that the animal was cut.

This time his friend was getting impatient, he angrily said, "Why do not you just take this buffalo and gentlemen! And do not come back to bother me." He funds went home happily carrying a fat buffalo.

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Legenda Danau Toba

September 08, 2013 Add Comment
In a village in Sumatra , there lived a farmer . He was a farmer who diligently worked the farm , although not extensive . He could meet the needs of their work was tireless . Actually he became old enough to marry , but he still chose to live alone . In a sunny morning , the farmer river fishing . "Hopefully, today I got a big fish , " the farmer muttered to myself . Some time after the hook is thrown , the hook looks rocking. He immediately pulled the hook .

 The farmer was cheered with joy after receiving a sizeable fish .
He was amazed at the beautiful colors of fish scales . The fish scales yellow gold reddish . Both round and protruding eyes flashing amazing . " Wait , I do not eat it ! I would be willing to accompany you if you do not eat . " The farmer was surprised to hear the voice of the fish . Due to his surprise , the fish they catch fell to the ground . Then not long , the fish was transformed into a beautiful young woman beautiful. " I Bermimpikah ? , " Muttered farmers .

" Do not worry sir , I'm also human like you . I am deeply indebted to you for saving me from the curse of the Gods , " the girl said . " My name is Princess , I do not mind to be your wife , " said the girl as urgent . Farmers and even then nodded . They then become husband and wife . However , there is one promise that has been agreed , that they should not tell the origin of a fish's daughter . If the promise is breached there will be a terrible disaster .

Having reached the village , the villagers saw the girl stirred beautiful girl with the farmers . " He might be an angel coming down from heaven , " they murmured . Farmer felt very happy and peaceful . As a good husband , he continued to work to make a living by cultivating the fields and fields with a diligent and tenacious . Due diligence and tenacity , the peasants live without shortcomings in his life . Many people are jealous , and they spread the bad suspicion that could topple the success of farmers . " I know it must maintain Farmer spirits ! " Someone said to her friend . It reached the ears of Farmer and Puteri . But they do not feel offended , even more diligent work .

A year later , his wife and Petan happiness increases , because the farmer 's wife gave birth to a baby boy . He was given the name of the Son . Happiness they do not make them forget themselves . Son grew into a strong and healthy child . He was a good boy but a little naughty . He has a habit of making parents wonder , which is always hungry. Foods that should be eaten three of them could eat themselves .

Eventually , the Son always annoy his father . If asked to help parents work , he always refused . Farmers wife always reminds farmers to be patient over their child behavior . " Yes , I will be patient , even though he was our son ! " Farmers said to his wife . " Thankfully , kanda think like that . Kanda was a good husband and a good father , " said daughter to her husband .

Indeed, they say , patience has limits . This is experienced by the farmers . One day , son get a job delivering food and drinks to the fields where his father was working . But the Son is not fulfilling its duties . Farmers await the arrival of his son , while holding thirsty and hungry . He went straight home . In saw her son was playing ball . Farmers became angry as she pinched her ear . " Children do not know diuntung ! Not know yourself ? Basic fry ! , " The farmer vituperation unwittingly uttered the taboo .

After the farmers he spoke those words , at once a child and his wife vanished . Without a trace and trail . Of former stamping his feet , suddenly very heavy menyemburlah water and get heavier . Farmers village and surrounding villages submerged . Water overflowed very high and wide to form a lake . And eventually form a lake . The lake was eventually known as Lake Toba . While a small island in the middle known as Samosir Island .

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Sangkuriang

September 07, 2013 Add Comment
In ancient times , there was the story of a princess in West Java named Dayang Sumbi.Ia had a son , named Sangkuriang . The child was very fond of hunting .
He was accompanied by Tumang hunting , dog pet palace . Sangkuriang not know that the dog is the incarnation of the god and father .
One day Tumang not want to follow his orders to pursue prey . The dog then pursued into the woods .
When he returned to the palace , Sangkuriang recounted the incident to his mother . Dayang Sumbi absurdly angry when I heard that story . He accidentally hit her head Sangkuriang with spoon in his hand . Sangkuriang injured . He was very disappointed and went mengembaraSetelah the incident , Dayang Sumbi very sorry for himself . He was always very diligent prayer and penance . At one point , the gods gave her a gift . He will be forever young and has a timeless beauty .

After years of wandering , Sangkuriang eventually intends to return to his homeland . When he got there , the kingdom has changed completely . There he met a lovely girl , who was none other than Dayang Sumbi . Fascinated by her beauty then , Sangkuriang proposed. Therefore it is very handsome young man , Dayang Sumbi was very fascinated him .

One day Sangkuriang asked permission to hunt . He asked Dayang Sumbi to spruce up the headband . What a surprise for Dayang Sumbi see the scar on the head of her future husband . The cut was exactly as his wounds have to go wander . After long noticed , turned out the young man's face is very similar to his face . He became very frightened .

So then he sought to thwart the effort was making a proposal process . He filed two terms . First , he asked the young man to stem the Citarum river . And secondly , he asked Sangkuriang to make a big canoe to cross the river . The second condition that must be met before dawn .

That night Sangkuriang doing penance . With his power he exert supernatural creatures to help finish the job . Dayang Sumbi was secretly peep the job . Once the work is almost complete , Dayang Sumbi ordered his troops to hold a red silk cloth to the east of the city .

As witnessed in the eastern city of redness , Sangkuriang thought it was late morning . He also stopped work . He was very angry because it means he can not meet the requirements requested Dayang Sumbi .

With his strength , he made his break through the dam . There was a great flood swept through the town . He was later kicked a large canoe made. The boat drifted and crashed into a mountain named " Tangkuban Perahu . "

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Puteri Junjung Buih

September 07, 2013 Add Comment
Is exactly the story of a kingdom named Amuntai in South Kalimantan . The kingdom was ruled by two brothers . The older king named Patmaraga , or given the nickname King Tua . His brother the young king named Sukmaraga . Both the king does not have any sons or puteri.Namun between them , Sukmaraga a great desire to have a son . Every night he and his queen in order to appeal to the gods blessed with a pair of twin sons . The desire seems to be granted by the gods . He got directions to go meditate to an island near the city of Banjarmasin . In the hermitage , he gets to ask his wife wangsit kastuba eating flowers . Sukmaraga started to follow the orders . Correct as per instructions of the gods , a few months later the queen was pregnant . She gave birth to twins a very beautiful face . Hearing this , the desire to have a son of old King anyway . Then he begged the gods to be blessed with sons . Old king dreamed told god imprisoned in the Great Temple , which is located outside the city Amuntai . Old king 's instructions were followed . When finished running the hermitage , on the way home he found the girl alone are floating in a river . The baby is floating above segumpalan froth . Therefore , a very beautiful baby was later titled Princess Uphold scum .

Old king then ordered the foreman palace , Datuk Pujung , to take the baby . However, the royal entourage was surprised , because the baby was already able to speak . Prior to his appointment of the bubbles , the baby ditenunkan ask for a piece of cloth and a blanket to be completed in half a day . He also asked to be picked up by forty men and women cantik.Raja tuapun menyayembarakan request the baby . He promised to appoint people who can meet the demands of the baby to be caretakers of this princess . Contest was eventually won by a woman named Queen Kuripan . In addition to clever weaving , she began to have supernatural powers . Not only he can meet the requirements of the short time , the Queen Kuripan any work done was amazing. Fabrics and quilts ditenunnnya very beautiful . As promised , then raised the old king queen princess Kuripan become caregivers Uphold the scum . He joined a large role in nearly every important decision concerning the princess .

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Malin Kundang

September 07, 2013 Add Comment
At one time , there lived a family of fishermen on the coast of Sumatra . The family consists of father , mother and a son , named Malin Kundang . Due to poor financial condition of the family , the father decided to make a living in the country by wading across a vast ocean .

Then the Malin and his mother lived in their huts . A week , two weeks , one month , two months or more duration is 1 year , Malin 's father did not return to his hometown . So his mother had to replace the position of Malin's father to make a living . Malin including a smart kid but a little naughty . He often chasing chickens and hit him with a broom . One day, when Malin was chasing chickens , she tripped over a rock and hit a rock right arm injury . The wounds became trace dilengannya and can not be lost .

After growing up , Malin Kundang feel sorry for his mother who worked hard to make a living to raise themselves . He thinks to make a living in the country side in the hope of later when returning home , he had become a wealthy man . Malin interested in the invitation of a merchant ship captain who was once poor now have become a wealthy man .

Malin Kundang expressed intention to his mother . His mother does not agree with the original intent Kundang , but because Malin kept pushing , she finally agreed Kundang albeit with a heavy heart . After preparing supplies and equipment to taste , Malin immediately headed to the dock to be escorted by his mother . " My son , if you have a successful and affluent people , do not you forget about your mother and halamannu this village , son ," said Mrs. Malin Kundang in tears .

Ships that climbed Malin increasingly away with a wave accompanied Mrs. Malin Kundang . During his time on the ship , Malin Kundang a lot to learn about seamanship on the crew who are experienced . Along the way , suddenly climbed Malin Kundang ships were attacked by pirates . All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates . Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates . Malin Kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates , because when it happened , Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by timber .

Malin Kundang adrift on the high seas , until finally the host ship stranded on a beach . With the rest of the existing power , Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach . Arriving in the village , Malin Kundang helped by people in the village after previously telling what happened to him . Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile . With tenacity and perseverance in work , Malin gradually managed to become a wealthy man . He has a lot of merchant ships with men of more than 100 people . After becoming rich , Malin Kundang marry a girl to be his wife .
News Kundang who has become rich and have been married to the mother also Malin Kundang . Mother Malin Kundang feel grateful and very happy his son had succeeded . Since then , the mother Malin Kundang every day to go to the dock , waiting for his son who might return to his hometown .

After a long marriage , Malin and his wife set sail with a large and beautiful ship with the crew as well as a lot of bodyguards . Malin Kundang mother who every day waiting for his son , saw a very beautiful ship , into the harbor . He saw two people standing on the deck of a ship . He believes that it is his standing and his wife Malin Kundang .
Malin Kundang were off the ship . He was greeted by his mother . Once close enough , she saw twelve people injured dilengan right , the more convinced his mother that he was approached Malin Kundang . " Malin Kundang , my son , why did you go so long without sending the news ? " , She said as she hugged Kundang . But what happens then ? Malin Kundang immediately release his mother's arms and pushed him to fall . " Women do not know myself , carelessly claimed as my mother ," says Malin Kundang to his mother . Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her , because of embarrassment with his elderly mother and dressed in rags . "She's your mother ? " , Malin Kundang wife Tanya . " No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mother in order to get my treasure ," Malin said to his wife . Heard the statement and mistreated by her son , Malin Kundang mother very angry . He had not expected her to be rebellious child . Because of mounting anger , Malin's mother lifted her hand and said, " Oh God , if he was my son , I sumpahi he became a rock " . Not long after strong winds and violent storms rumble came to destroy the ship Malin Kundang . After that Kundang body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock .

Moral message : As a child , do not ever forget all parent services primarily to a mother who is pregnant and raise their children , especially when it comes to being a rebellious child . Disobedience to parents is a major sin that will be borne by the child .

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Si Bungsu

September 07, 2013 Add Comment
Once, in a village in Lampung , Indonesia , there lived a husband and wife along with seven of his daughters . To support his family , the father in the forest for firewood and sell it to the market . However , the results obtained are not enough for them to eat together . They never eat until you are full . In order to eat well without being bothered by his children , the father and the mother often put aside food for them to eat in the evening , in the seventh when his daughter was fast asleep .

On one night , the father and mother were enjoying dinner together . Without realizing it , the Youngest woke up and saw they were eating . The youngest brother was soon wake were still asleep .

" ... Brothers ! " Said the Youngest slowly .

The sixth brother awoke . When viewing both parents eat , they eat , too , so that makes both of their parents are not satisfied . It made them upset and intends to dispose of the seventh daughter .

Late one night , a husband and wife were consulted to dispose of the seventh daughter into the woods far from the village . However , again the youngest woke up and knew their plans . Secretly , the Youngest was prepared hazelnut many to mark the path that they took to get to the middle of the forest , so he and his brother could know the way home .

The next day , the father and the mother took her daughter to the woods with seven reasons to help them search for firewood . Arriving at the forest , the father quietly asks herd ape replied that if his sons called him , and the flocks of birds pecking order pagut tree that they thought the children 's father and mother were still in the woods . When the seven brothers were busy collecting firewood , the father took his wife to leave them secretly .

" My wife! Let us live this forest while they are busy collecting firewood , " the father whispered to his wife .

Finally , they leave the forest without the knowledge of the seventh daughter . Moments later , a voice calling her seventh .

" Mom ... Dad ... ! Where you at ? " Shouted the seventh child simultaneously .

Heard the cry , and the answer was a herd of monkeys pugut bird pecking a tree . The seventh child was returned to continue his work , thinking that their mom and dad were still in the woods . Pagut monkeys and birds flock continues to respond and peck the tree . Over time they were upset and tired . When the seventh child was again called out parents meraka , monkeys and birds flock pagut is just silent . At that moment , the seventh child realize that both their parents had left them . The eldest son was confused , because it does not know the way home.

" My brothers ! Are any of you still remember the way to go home ? " Said the Eldest .

" I , Sister ! " Said the youngest with alacrity .

" How can you remember the way home , youngest ? Is not this a very dense forest , "asked Big Sis .

" Quiet , Sister ! My sister had marked the path from the house to the woods with pecans . We just follow the direction of the scattered pecan street we have been through , "said the youngest .

" Well ... you're so smart , my sister ! " Said the Eldest , smiling.

The seventh child was down the street that has been marked with pecans by the Youngest . Finally , they arrived at the house . When entering the house , they found their parents are eating . Without invited , they soon come to eat , so that both parents feel full again . The father and mother also grew annoyed . The presence of the seventh daughter really makes them uneasy .

A few days later , the couple was back plans to dispose of the seventh daughter into the woods . However , they plan to be known by his youngest daughter . When they go into the woods , the Youngest bring corn seeds to mark the way they are going through . Arriving at the forest , as usual herd of monkeys and birds replied - nyahut pagut pecking a tree , and that's when the father and mother abandon her children .

When the seven brothers were again screaming for his parents , monkeys and birds flock pagut is just silent . Finally , the seventh child was aware that their parents had left them . But bad luck for the seventh child , they do not know the way back home , because corn kernels that have been stocked by the Youngest in the bird devoured . Eventually they were lost in the woods .

The seventh child brothers walked toward the feet follow where they are heading. After a long walk , they arrived at a field that is populated by two giant spouses . At that time , they saw the two giants that were bathing in the river which is located on the edge of the field .

" Hi , it seems that the evil giant . They would eat us if they see us here , " said the Eldest .

" What should we do ? " Said the second child .

" Quiet , Sister ! Sister had a way to conquer the giant , "said the youngest .

"How , youngest ? " Said the Eldest .

' Brother will make the river water became itchy to and fro , so that the two giant bodies will feel itching. When it is , they definitely would run to his cabin . But first, you must remove the hut rope and make a fire underneath. Well , when the second monster up the hut, they would fall into the fire , "said the youngest .

After hearing the instructions the Youngest , sixth brother was immediately untied the hut and a fire underneath. After they finished performing their duties , the Youngest immediately take fro then rub in the headwaters . Not long after , the two giants who are engrossed in the shower suddenly felt his body itching . Because they could not help feeling itchy , they ran to his cabin . Needless to say , when climbing hut , they too fell into the fireplace to death .

Finally , the seventh child siblings decided to stay in that area . They made ​​seven huts and fields of giant divide it into seven parts . They grow rice and flowers fragrant in their respective fields . When their flowers bloom , the fields they are often approached by kenui (a type of large -bodied eagle ) . The birds like to build nests and lay eggs in their fields . Of the seven brothers , the youngest only allowing the birds nesting in the flower fields . Received permission from the Youngest , kenui immediately make a nest . After laying eggs , birds kenui it go and never come back again .

One day , after returning from his farm , the youngest saw the smoke in the hut . What a surprise when he goes into his cabin . He saw a handsome young man was cooking rice for him .

"Excuse me , sir ! Who are you and from where ? "Asked the youngest .

The young man was telling his origins that he was out of eggs kenui . Finally , they were met and liked each other . Several months later , they were married and lived happily . Apparently , the Youngest marriage with the young man makes his sixth envy and intend to harm his sister .

One day , when the youngest was washing clothes on the river bank , the sixth brother pushed her into the river . The youngest was washed away and then swallowed by a great fish . Because of a glut , the big fish resting on the river bank . At that time , a grandmother who was bathing in the river bank saw . Without thinking , the grandmother immediately took his machete and menghujamkannya into the fish's body . Miraculously , his machete can not hurt . Exasperation , his grandmother was resting under a tree , thinking to figure out how to catch fish . While we were busy resting , he suddenly heard a bird singing .

" Bolidang bolidangi pabeli iwa custody, " the song of the bird .

Initially , the grandmother did not understand the meaning of the song lyric sung the bird. After listening carefully , he finally understood that in order to cut the fish must use belidang leaves . Without thinking , the grandmother immediately took belidang leaves are widely available on the riverbank . With belidang leaves it , he also managed to cut up the fish meat . How shocked he was when he saw a beautiful girl who is still alive out of the fish 's body .

" Hey , pretty girl ! Who and why you can be in the belly of the fish ? " Said the grandmother was surprised .

The Youngest was told all the events that happened until he could be in a fish's belly . The grandmother was very moved to hear the story of the youngest . Because compassion , his grandmother was making the Youngest as his adopted son . Since then , the youngest lives with his grandmother .

Meanwhile elsewhere , the Youngest husband frantically looking for his wife . He had asked her six siblings , but nobody wants to reveal the whereabouts of his wife. Finally , he decided to go look for his wife along the riverbank . After months of walking , he finally found a hut by the river . He went up to the hut to ask where his wife to shack owner .

" Excuse me , is there anybody in there?" The Youngest husband shouted from outside the hut .

Not long after , they saw an old woman was opening the door . Once the door is open , the old woman asked him .

" There is a grandmother who can help you, young man ," asked the old woman .

The Youngest husband was told about the wanderings looking for his missing wife . The Youngest who heard the story from inside the hut shed tears , because her husband was moved to tears loyalty . The old woman then told the man that in his hut there is a beautiful woman who was found on the belly of the fish a few months ago .

" Young Man ! Grandma had a beautiful woman in the hut . Try to see , perhaps he whom you seek your wife ! " Said the old woman .

The grandmother was calling the Youngest to get out of the hut . How surprised and happy the man when he saw a woman coming out of a hut that was his wife . Without hesitation , he immediately embraced his wife , and the youngest had hugged her husband tightly . Moment , the atmosphere in the hut became silent . Not felt , the tears were streaming down my grandmother as thrilled to see his adopted son could be reunited with her ​​husband . Similarly, the youngest husband , he was very happy to have found her again . Prior brought home his wife , the youngest husband does not forget to thank the grandmother , for saving the life of his wife .

" Thank you , Grandma ! Grandma had treated my wife well , " said the youngest husband .

After that , a husband and wife said goodbye to the grandmother . Once they were in the hut , the sixth brother came to apologize to the Youngest . The Youngest forgive them , because from the beginning he never felt resentment , although the sixth sister had her harm . Since then , the Youngest lived happily with her husband and living in harmony with the sixth brother .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"